Last Updated 7 years ago by Kenya Engineer

After the Ministry of Water and Irrigation prepared a Concept Note in January, 2012, for the Sabor-Iten/Tambach Water Supply Project (Keiyo District),a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Rift Valley Water Services Board (RVWSB) and ASPAC International (sprl), a Belgian owned and based water engineering company to undertake the detailed design and construction of Sabor-Iten/Tambach Water Supply project. As part of this agreement, ASPAC International (sprl) prepared and submitted to RVWSB a commercial Contract Document on FIDIC EPC/TURNKEY contract basis. ASPAC International (sprl) has involved the consultancy services of H.P GauffIngenieure in the preparation of the engineering design.
The financing program for the implementation of the project will be by credit facility from the Government of Belgium through Belfius Bank Belgium with a period of execution of 24 months from the date of receipt of the advance payment into the contractor’s account.
Project Objectives
The objective of the project is to improve the level of water services for the inhabitants of Iten, Tambach and en route areas by increasing access to clean, safe water so as to:
• Eliminate water-related diseases
• Provide economic opportunities to various target groups, especially the vulnerable segment such as the urban poor, women, and children
• Stimulate national socio-economic development such as through development of tourism activities, sports investment especially athletics and steady school attendance
• Increase revenue base for sustainability
Iten Tambach Water Services Company (ITWASCO) manages the currently overstretched water supply schemes for Iten and Tambach.
Project Targets
The project targets to meet a projected water demand of 4,278m3/d for the 20-year design horizon (up to 2033). This is proposed to be achieved by abstracting, treating, and distributing water from River Charama. Under this project, it is proposed to provide DN 15 (1/2”) meters to consumer connections to manage water consumption and prevent wastage. Large volume consumers (i.e. schools, clinic, and kiosks) will require larger sized DN 20 meters.
The settlements that the transmission main passes through en route to Tambach towns will be provided with water through water kiosks. These water kiosks are each provided with 5,000 litre overhead storage tanks, which also serve, for both emergency and balancing supply.


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