We are pleased to introduce Kenya Engineer Magazine to your organization, as the most suitable media vehicle that will reach the prime prospects for your services and products.

KENYA ENGINEER MAGAZINE is bi-monthly magazine; -(journal published after every two months) by Continental Publishers Limited, and which is directed to audience in professional trade channels, including Civil Engineering, building and construction, Architecture, Industrial manufacturing, Infrastructure, etcetera.



 Characteristics of KENYA ENGINEER MAGAZINE.

 Audience: The audience of KENYA ENGINEER MAGAZINE is much different from general population magazines. Kenya Engineer Magazine readers are professionally mature and in high positions to make purchasing decisions, better educated, and have high incomes than the population as a whole.

Because readers of KENYA ENGINEER MAGAZINE are well trained, experienced and professionals in their jobs, the advertising and editorial matter in this publication is extremely serious, well researched, and written at level that would be acceptable by high profile professionals. The media mix in this magazine is purely professional and targeted to selected audience.

 Controlled Circulation: In magazine terminology, free-circulation targeted to selected audience is called controlled circulation! Our Magazine qualifies as controlled circulation because it is delivered to a carefully selected list of people who are influential in making purchase decisions for their industry. KENYA ENGINEER MAGAZINE is distributed to targeted readers by postage to all members, subscribers and selected professionals.


The actual exposure of advertisements in KENYA ENGINEER MAGAZINE to the targeted audiences is 100%. This is due to the distribution free of charge of the magazine to members of Institution of Kenya Engineers, professional subscribers, and people who are selected because of their high positions, job function and profession. The journal has a controlled circulation of 17000 copies and a readership of about 75,000, these are distributed to all the members of the Institution of Engineers of Kenya as well as to a specialized audience of professionals, including leading Architects, consulting engineers, civil and building contractors, material suppliers, technical Government Ministries/ Parastatals, leading manufacturers and the stakeholders in the engineering/construction industry in the region.

Criteria For Measuring: The main criteria for measuring Kenya Engineer magazine is; quality circulation, excellent editorial quality, excellent readership, response documentation and advertising leadership.

Next articleOil spills increase ocean’s arsenic levels
Kenya Engineer is the definitive publication of Engineers in East Africa & beyond and has been in publication since 1972.


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