Last Updated 10 months ago by Kenya Engineer

It is the mirror of society: education. What was still normal in the 1950s, 60s and 70s, such as the slap in the face or a harsh commanding tone, has largely disappeared. However, some skills have also fallen by the wayside, like the importance of bet app.


Sitting still – this used to be a regular requirement at school. Attending church or grandparents was similar. Hibbling or bobbing, always having something in your hands was rarely welcome anywhere. Today it’s different. Studies show that movement in between helps learning, and overall experts agree: more movement, even beyond school, would be desirable. But that doesn’t mean children should run around in church or a fine restaurant – the when and where is still important today.

Balancing, standing on one leg, walking backwards – preschool checkups repeatedly show that five-year-olds are increasingly having problems with these tasks. Particularly in larger cities, up to 40 percent of children are somewhat underdeveloped motor-wise. In elementary school itself, rope or pole climbing in physical education classes is becoming less common because fewer and fewer children can do it. But that’s usually not a cause for concern, because a lot of catching up can be done at that age.

Remember how old you were when you learned to tie a bow? A good 20 years ago, people in kindergarten competed to see who could do it before they started school. Today, just half of four- to five-year-olds can get dressed without help, including tying their shoes. Some elementary schools have responded by banning shoelaces. Teachers simply have better things to do than tie bows on children’s shoes all day.

Did you know that only 23.5 percent of households had dishwashers in 1983? Today, nearly 72 percent do. It’s hardly surprising, then, that children today don’t have to help with the dishes everywhere. Even vacuuming requires less and less assistance; after all, more and more families have vacuuming robots. Nevertheless, children can – and should – help in the household. To what extent is, of course, up to the parents, but help with setting the table or putting away the dishwasher is often common, even for children as young as three.

Spankings, beatings, fear – in the past, the cane was widely used in the classroom. In the GDR, it (and thus corporal punishment) was banned from schools in 1949. Slowly, the rest of Germany followed suit, but in parts of Bavaria, this method was still used until the early 1980s.

Today, because more attention is paid to children and their needs, no one has to shake anyone’s hand or give them a kiss if they don’t want to. A boon, especially for shy offspring.

Making lunch for siblings, being alone at home or outside: many children had to have these experiences early on a few decades ago. Even if they were perhaps still too young and overwhelmed by the responsibility. Today, parents have more time for their children or provide appropriate care, and being alone comes comparatively late. On the one hand, this is very laudable and good, as accidents often happened in the past. But on the other hand, it’s also a bit sad, because sometimes a small section of forest holds much more possibilities for fantasy and adventure than the modern playground around the corner.


#1 Tie shoes

There are much more important things than being able to tie shoes, we agree. In addition, the range of Velcro shoes (also for adults) is huge. And yet it is sometimes frightening how many children, even at the age of 9, 10 or 11, are not able to tie shoelaces in a bow. Simply because no one practices it with the children anymore. Yet even kindergarteners have the dexterity to learn how to do that.

#2 Staying seated at the table

Many children today no longer have the patience to sit at a table for an entire meal. There’s fidgeting and standing up, running around the room, or other shenanigans. This may be absolutely no problem at home, especially if the parents are not bothered by it. However, it becomes a problem when children do the same in a restaurant.

It is often only in such situations that parents notice that the children cannot do this at all. Either, one renounces then restaurant attendance with the offspring or one practices the together at the table simply at home.

#3 Housework

Vacuum robots, dishwashers, dryers: hardly any children are involved in domestic chores these days. Yet it does kids absolutely no harm to vacuum their own room or lend their parents a hand with the dishes or drying. Quite the opposite, in fact. After all, the responsibility they take on helps their self-confidence and makes them fit for the future.

Children as young as three can help out at home by setting the table, for example.

#4 Keeping busy on your own

What would we have given in the past to have a portable TV with us on long vacation car trips or train journeys? That’s exactly what our children have today, and it’s both a curse and a blessing. Because if the kids are bored, they don’t come up with (silly) ideas and build, paint or ‘invent’ something. No, today the iPad, laptop and cell phone are the ultimate boredom killers. Constant sound instead of imagination and creativity. But unfortunately, we parents also have to take a look at our own noses.


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